

    Is economic development, education, and the system of talent development that are aligned locally and regionally to sustain a vibrant economy in Montgomery County.


    To meet the talent attraction, development, and retention needs of strategic industries. To meet the needs of the underemployed and unemployed. To develop career pathways that lead to sustainable wage jobs and support a thriving mission.


    We catalyze change in the community to build an effective workforce development system. We are a community facilitator and convener to identify issues and act collectively with partners to address them. We act as an intermediary/broker between the supply and demand sides of the workforce system about current and future skill needs to ensure mutually beneficial relationships and outcomes. We advocate addressing workforce development issues at the local, state, and national levels.

Foundational Principles





This principle emphasizes the importance of everyone understanding their role and contribution to the overall success of WorkSource Montgomery, which is congruent with the success of those we serve i.e., community partners, job seekers, & businesses. It differs from understanding an individual’s job responsibilities.

WSM believes that job roles & responsibilities are simply task oriented, however, someone understanding their contribution to the ‘big picture’ can bring a transformational aspect to transactional tasks. The underlying theme is that no job is more, or less, important/critical to the success of WSM as an organization. Although one position may be more visible or have a perception of prestige, it is no more important than a less visible or (perceived) less prestigious role in the in WorkSource Montgomery ecosystem. As a system-driven orientation, all parts/positions must function well for WSM’s mission to gain form.

This principle emphasizes the importance of holding oneself and those around them to the highest standards. Personal accountability is prioritized in this principle. Team members should be mindful and supported in their Journey to develop positive personal accountability and achievement standards. Whether related to responsiveness, accuracy, effort, effectiveness, professionalism, etc., each team member should develop habits and systems which promote high standards for self-accountability, performance, and achievement.

As a ‘flat’ organization, WSM recognizes each employee as a leader, as well as their respective voice on the direction of WSM tasks, projects, programs, etc. Furthermore, WSM understands that great organizations do not avoid conflict, rather they develop healthy norms related to conflict management and resolution. To this end, it is essential that each team member holds those below, around, and above them to the highest standards. This principle requires impeccable communication skills, empathy, self-awareness, and positive working relationships.

WSM believes performance is a two-part process, including transformational and transactional aspects. Transformational performance relates to WSM’s mission to connect job seekers and employers. As clients, both job seekers and businesses, come to WSM for assistance at varying levels in the business life cycle and career journey, the assistance provided is certain to have a transformational aspect for those we serve. Whether connecting jobseekers to training, employment, or a community partner, or other services, the assistance we provide has the potential to impact generations.

The second part, transactional performance, relates to the efforts required to document the great work of our team members. This transactional performance may include entering case notes and activities, updating files (hard & soft), completing reports, updating systems, etc. While these efforts can prove tedious, transactional performance is essential to continuous funding of program activities and demonstrating the impact and effectiveness of WSM services.

This principle focuses on how people feel and what they remember about their interactions with each WSM team member. WSM believes this principle should and will take on a different form for each WSM team member.

This principle emphasizes personal brand accountability as WSM recognizes the importance of personal branding, as this is a core component of “Making an Impact.” Each WSM team member should continually develop their personal brand which will help define their individual vision for “Making an Impact.” Whether in the form of one’s kindness, responsiveness, resourcefulness, great-listener, “making an impact” can take many forms.

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