Overcoming a Common Interview Roadblock

By Ohneice Miller, WSM Career Specialist

We’ve all faced the dreaded question: “So, tell me about yourself.” Confusion and anxiety can creep in as you struggle to recall what you may have spent hours rehearsing. This seemingly simple question is almost always asked first. But, it still can have the tendency to catch even the most seasoned interviewees off guard.

Presenting who you are to another person can feel uncomfortable. Nervousness can set in and easily cause you to give too much or too little information about your background and accomplishments.

Here are 3 simple ways to tackle this question head-on:

  1. Google articles on how to answer this and other common interview questions. Research the most effective responses and model your answer accordingly.
  2. When talking to an employer about yourself, limit your pitch to a short summary of your current position, your years of experience, and your motivation and drive. Highlight a few of your hard, technical skills and soft skills, such as teamwork and attention to detail. Use this opportunity to also mention any position-specific credentials you have.
  3. Practice your pitch by attending professional networking events and use these conversations to your advantage. Pay attention to body language and responses after you give your pitch to determine how well you are being received. Don’t be discouraged if it’s not perfect. Keep practicing!

The best way to tackle the “tell me about yourself” question and many others is to research, talk to people about yourself and most importantly, get comfortable with assessing and sharing your skills. No one can tell your story better than you can.

Join one of our interviewing workshops for some additional support!

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