Family Services, Inc

Family Services, Inc

Contact Info

Family Services, Inc. 610 E. Diamond Ave. Gaithersburg, MD 20877
(301) 840-2000

Other Information

Business Hours
Information not available
Offers Wraparound Service
Service Delivery
Do Programs Charge a Fee?
Yes, insurance accepted for some programs
Pricing If Applicable
Area Served
Yes, insurance accepted for some programs
Number Served
Information not available
Skills Emphasized
Mental health, independence
Additional Locations


Montgomery Station Day Program and Outreach Service
The day program and outreach staff works with our clients with serious and persistent behavioral health illnesses at home and at our day program on their rehabilitation goals. The day program provides structured daily activity for individuals who do not want to work. Various group activities and educational opportunities are held throughout the day. Outreach services are provided in the client’s own home or other community locations by staff on a 1:1 basis. Using the Mental Health Recovery Model there is an importance on working closely with the individual, as well as their family and friends, and their doctors and therapists.
Target Population: Must have Medical Assistance coverage or Maryland uninsured eligibility status and a chronic, severe mental illness supported by a psychiatrist's evaluation.
Intake/Eligibility: Call or visit our website
OnTrack Maryland
OnTrack Maryland, a program for young adults offered at Family Services, Inc., offers specialized programs for the early identification, evaluation, and treatment of adolescents and young adults who have started experiencing certain troubling thoughts and/or experiences, or exhibiting changes in behavior, such as: Hearing or seeing things that others do not see or hear, Having unusual thoughts or beliefs that appear as strange to themselves or others, Feeling fearful or suspicious of others, sometimes including others they usually trust. We use an integrated approach to address educational, employment, physical and mental needs of young adults, including providing support for managing concerns with substance abuse. We are committed to equipping individuals at risk for more serious mental health difficulties and their families with tools to manage these troubling thoughts and/or experiences, achieve their goals for school, work, and relationships, and establish a life of their choosing. OnTrack Maryland provides evidence-based interventions for youth with early psychosis, including: Care based on model of mental health recovery that takes into account the treatment preferences and goals of young people and their families; Psycho-education about early psychosis for young people and families; Prescription and management of recommended pharmacological treatments; Supported employment and education for helping young people re-engage in work, school or pursuing new educational and/or work opportunities; Behavioral interventions to improve social functioning and reduce substance use; Assisting young people and families in times of acute need; Connecting young people and their families to resources and other support services in their communities.
Target Population: Individuals (ages 12-30) who gave recently started having strange and unusual thoughts and/or experiences. Family members, friends, educators, and others interested in understanding more about what these experiences might mean, and learning how to help i
Intake/Eligibility: Call or visit our website
Outpatient Mental Health Clinic
Provides individual, group, couples, and family counseling with licenced therapists. Three psychiatrists are available to provide medication consultation and medication management.
Target Population: Adults
Intake/Eligibility: Call or visit our website
Montgomery Station Residential Program
The residential program provides a place to live and intensive individualized rehabilitation services for clients who are preparing to live independently. Clients in need of a more supportive approach are served in our intensive sites, which are staffed 40 hours per week by a residential rehabilitation counselor. In both levels, symptom management, social skills, and independent living skills are emphasized.Residents in the program may be involved in the vocational program and/or the day program, depending on their needs and desires. All residents are required to participate in their rehabilitation plan and to be involved in structured daily activity. Using the Mental Health Recovery Model there is an importance on working closely with the individual, as well as their family and friends, doctors and therapists.
Target Population: Must have a chronic, severe mental illness diagnosis supported by a psychiatrist's evaluation
Intake/Eligibility: Call or visit our website
Montgomery Station Supported Employment Program
This program helps clients get and keep competitive permanent employment. Anyone with a serious mental illness is eligible for this service. If an individual says that he or she wants to work, an Employment Specialist will begin Job Development with him or her. There are no requirements for individuals to be “work-ready” or have an employment history.
Target Population: Clients may refer themselves to this service or staff may make referrals.
Intake/Eligibility: Call or visit our website
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