WSM Celebrates Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

March has been recognized as “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month” since 1987 when President Reagan issued a public proclamation urging Americans to provide individuals with developmental disabilities “the encouragement and opportunities they need to lead productive lives and to achieve their full potential.” Despite the significant and positive changes since then, there are still many challenges for this vulnerable population.  Every year, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) holds a campaign for Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month to raise awareness about developmental disabilities, communicate the importance of inclusion, and share stories of individual with disabilities. This year’s theme is “Beyond The Conversation.” After important conversations about awareness, inclusion and barriers to inclusion have taken place, what comes next? What actions are we taking? What are employers and communities for that matter doing to create change? The time for talking is over; now it is time for us to act to create this change. What can YOU do? Our partner at SEEC has sent us some cool stories that we will share via our social media channels throughout the month! So be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter! In the meantime, below is a list of resources that we think could be helpful to get educated and increase your own awareness.
Follow These Social Media Accounts
NACDD Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Instagram AUCD Facebook Twitter YouTube NDRN Facebook Twitter YouTube State Directory List of State Developmental Disability Councils List of P&A Agency List of State UCEDDS
Suggested Podcasts
BoggsCast – A podcast by The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities. Disability Visibility – A podcast hosted by Alice Wong featuring conversations on politics, culture, and media with disabled people. Disarming Disability – The podcast’s mission is to powerfully deconstruct disability through candid conversations with experts exploring topics related to disability. This podcast looks to educate, empower, voice, and build a more inclusive society. Down to the Struts – Qudsiya Naqui is a lawyer and activist living in Washington DC. She identifies as a blind, South Asian woman, and is dedicated to making spaces and systems more inclusive of disabled people through public education, storytelling, and amplifying the voices of disabled people. Included: The Disability Equity Podcast – A podcast from the Johns Hopkins University Disability Health Research Center that challenges stereotypes of disability by sharing stories, data, and news. Including You: A Disability Rights Arkansas Podcast – Disability Rights Arkansas is focused on guidance for people with disabilities – navigating your rights, things that help with your everyday life, and navigating the complex systems of how to get the support you need. OurView: Disability Awareness – OurView aims to raise awareness, educate, and change the tone of conversations about disabilities, and those who live with disabilities. The Accessible Stall – A podcast by Emily Ladau and Kyle Khachadurian. This podcast keeps it real about issues within the disability community.

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